Главные вкладки
Н.Н. Реснина
1. S. Belyaev, N. Resnina, V. Slesarenko Mechanical and functional properties of amorphous-crystalline thin ribbons of Ti50Ni25Cu25 and Ti40.7Hf9.5Ni44.8Cu5 shape memory alloys // Smart Materials and Structures, 2011. — Vol. 20, — № 8.
2. Belyaev S. , Resnina N. , Sibirev A. Peculiarities of residual strain accumulation during thermal cycling of TiNi alloy//
Journal of Alloys and Compounds V. 542, P. 37-42
3. N. Resnina, S. Belayev, A. Voronkov Influence of chemical composition and pre-heating temperature on the structure and martensitic transformation in porous TiNi-based shape memory alloys, produced by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis// Intermetallics (2013) V. 32, P. 81-89
4. S. Belyaev, N. Resnina, A. Voronkov, A. Krivosheev, I. Ostapov Peculiarities of mechanical behaviour of porous TiNi alloy, prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis// Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010,V.527, I.23, P. 6364-6367
5. S.Belyaev, V. Rubanik, N. Resnina, V. Rubanik Jr., O. Rubanik, V. Borisov Martensitic transformation and physical properties of “steel - TiNi” bimetal composite, produced by explosion welding//Phase Transitions, 2010, V.83, N.4, P. 276-283.
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