Главные вкладки
Б.В. Андрюшечкин
1. B.V.Andryushechkin, Halogens adsorption on metals in Surface and Interface Science, Wandelt K. (Ed.) published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim ("WILEY-VCH") 2015. ]
2. V.V.Zheltov, V.V.Cherkez, G.M.Zhidomirov, B.V.Andryushechkin, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre and K.N.Eltsov, Structural paradox in submonolayer chlorine coverage on Au(111), Physical Review B 89 (2014) 195425.
3. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V.Gladchenko, G.M.Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, C.Didiot, D. Malterre, and K.N.Eltsov, Self-organization of gold chloride molecules on Au(111) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 24948-24954.
4. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, T.V.Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, and K.N.Eltsov, Structural transformations of Cu(110) surface induced by adsorption of molecular chlorine, Surface Science 608 (2013) 135-145.
5. B.V.Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V. Gladchenko, G.M. Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, and K.N. Eltsov, New insight into the structure of saturated chlorine layer on Ag(111): LT-STM and DFT study, Applied Surface Science 267 (2013) 21–25.
6. D. Yu. Usachov, A. V. Fedorov, O. Yu. Vilkov, B. V. Senkovskiy, V. K. Adamchuk, B. V. Andryushechkin, D. V. Vyalikh , Synthesis and electronic structure of nitrogen-doped graphene, Physics of the Solid State 55 (2013) 1325-1332 .