Главные вкладки
Е.В. Шеваль
Svistunova D.M., Musinova Y.R., Polyakov V.Y., Sheval E.V. А simple method for the immunocytochemical detection of proteins inside nuclear structures that are inaccessible to specific antibodies. Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry. 2012. 60:152-158.
Volkova E.G., Abramchuk S.S., Sheval E.V. The overexpression of nuclear envelope protein Lap2β induces endoplasmic reticulum reorganisation via membrane stacking. Biology Open. 2012 1:802-805.
Лисицына О.М., Мусинова Я.Р., Шубина М.Ю., Поляков В.Ю., Шеваль Е.В. Роль интерфазных проядрышек в восстановлении структуры ядрышка после обратимой гипотонической обработки. Известия РАН. Серия биологическая. 2013. № 6, с. 750-753.
Sheval E.V., Musinova Y.R. Structural plasticity of the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum. Biopolymers and Cell. 2014. 30(5):335-342.
Musinova Y.R., Kananykhina E.Y., Potashnikova D.M., Lisitsyna O.M., Sheval E.V. A charge-dependent mechanism is responsible for the dynamic accumulation of proteins inside nucleoli. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular Cell Research. 2015. 1853:101-110.
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