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ДВ Чаликов
Chalikov, D., Babanin A. V. 2014 Numerical Modeling of Three-Dimensional Fully Nonlinear Potential Periodic Waves. Ocean dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s10236-014-0755-0
Чаликов Д. В. Малоизвестные свойства поверхностных волн // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика. 2016. Т. 9, № 1. С. 8—16.
Chalikov D, Babanin AV 2016 Nonlinear sharpening during superposition of surface waves. Ocean dynamics, 66, 8, 931-937
Chalikov D, Babanin AV 2016 Comparison of linear and nonlinear extreme wave statistics. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35, 5, 99–105
Chalikov D.V. Numerical modeling of sea waves. 2016. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-32914-7, ISBN 978-3-319-32916-1 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32916-1, 329pp
Океанология, метеорология, математическое моделирование в геофизике
Детские сказки
Prof. Dmitry Chalikov 12 Maly pr. P.S, ap. 21, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 197110 dmitry-chalikov@yandex.ru OBJECTIVES: Universal professional with more then 40 years of research experience in oceanography, meteorology, computational and geophysical fluid mechanics, mathematics, numerical methods. Basic activity: formulation of problems, planning of laboratory and field experiments, theory, design, implementation, end-to-end programming (including programming for multiprocessors computers), comparison of simulated and observational data, development and maintenance of large models, leaderships and training of research groups, preparation of proposals and reports, publishing and presentation of the results in scientific conferences, teaching and coordination between education and research. COMPUTER TECHNICAL SKILL O/S: Windows, UNIX, LINUX Hardware: PC, IBM SP 3090, MPP (Multi-Processor Platform Computer) Software: NCAR Graphics, Message Passage Interface (for MPP computers), GRADS, Microsoft Office, Power Point, Corel, Animations technique Language: FORTRAN, IDL, Matlab PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1965- 1987: Scientist, Chief of Lab, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, St-Petersburg Branch. 1. Numerical 3-D modeling of lower Venus atmosphere for securing of soft landing the automated modules (grant from Space Agency USSR). 2. Numerical investigation with 3-D ocean-atmosphere coupled model of global climatic consequences of nuclear war (contract with DOD, USSR). 2. Development of large-scale numerical models of ocean and atmosphere (grants from DOD USSR). 3. Numerical simulation of the ocean meso-scale circulation (US-Russia POLIMODE project). 4. Simulation of long-range variations of climate, development a theory of ice ages. 5. Numerical simulation of current climate with 3-D coupled ocean atmosphere models. 6. Numerical investigation the energy diffusion in turbulent tracks after submarines for estimation of possibility of satellite tracking (many-years contract with DOD, USSR). 8. Numerical investigation and expertise of ecological consequences of St.-Petersburg dam in Finnish Bay. 9. Development the general theory and creation the hierarchy of numerical models of Wave Boundary Layer. Numerical investigation of statistical structure of Wave Boundary Layer above multimode non- stationary wave surface. 11. Development of the theory and parameterization of atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers. 12 3-D modeling the diffusion of the pollutants from a electric power stations. 1987-1991 Director of Branch, Shirshov Institute of Oceanography Academy of Sciences ( SIOAN) St. Petersburg Branch, Russia The same activities and duties as for Chief of Laboratory, plus administrative and financial management of Branch 1991 Visiting scientist, KNMI, Netherlands. Theory of boundary layer above waves, development of wave forecasting model. 1991-2003: Project scientist, National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP, USA) Creation, and maintenance of ocean prediction and wave prediction models for supercomputers, parameterization of ocean boundary layers, data assimilation 2003 - 2007: Senior Research Scientist, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland (USA) Direct 2-dimensional numerical modeling of nonlinear waves coupled with air turbulent boundary layer. Invention of non-stationary conformal mapping leading to new form of potential waves equations, allowing construction of numerical scheme with computer accuracy. Creation of the 2-D coupled model for nonlinear potential wave and boundary layer above based on Reynolds equations, principal potential equations with a free surface using non-stationary conformal mapping and Fourier transform technique. Performing of statistical investigation of nonlinear properties of potential waves, boundary layer and their interactions in a broad range of scales. Investigation of breaking, its consequences for WBL and Upper Ocean. Comparison with laboratory and field data. Development of Neural Network applications for increasing the efficiency of numerical models. Advancing of idea on acceleration of calculations of physical parameterizations in geophysical models: ocean modeling (equation of state), wave forecasting (Hasselmann integral), atmospheric columnar physics (at present, long-wave and short-wave atmospheric radiation in clear-sky and clouds atmosphere). 2006, 2007: Visiting scientist, Swinburn University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia 2009-2012: Research Professor (part time). Theory and modeling of wave boundary layer, investigation of nonlinear properties of surfacewaves, creation of new models: generation of turbulence in potential waves,3-D model of potential waves, Investigation of freak waves, nonlinear interactions. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2007-2010 Professor (part time) Depart of Math, Hydrometeorological University. , St. Petersburg. Lectures on the dynamical meteorology, classical and geophysical fluid dynamics. Supervising PhD 1987 1991 Professor (part time) , Depart. of Mathematics. Hydrometeorological Institute , St. Petersburg. Lectures on the dynamical meteorology, classical and geophysical fluid dynamics. Supervising 16 Ph.D. in geophysical fluid dynamics. 1981 1982 Head of Department Chair (part time) of the Atmospheric Physics. EDUCATION 1985 Professor, (European academic degree), Academy of Sciences., Moscow. 1979 Sen. Doct. Degree in Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography, Academy of Sciences, Moscow 1968 Ph.D. in Oceanography, Institute of Oceanography Academy of Sciences, Moscow; 1963 M.S. in Oceanography, Hydrometeorological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia: 1957 Peter schoole high school, St. Petersburg, Russia Member of Editorial Board ‘Fundamental and applied Hydrophysics’, Nauka, RAN PUBLICATIONS The full list of publications contains 4 books and about 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals. The list of selected publications below contains the recent papers published in English and also previous major papers published in English or translated from Russian. Books: Dynamics of the Venus atmosphere. 1978: (with co authors, Ed.: A.S. Monin), Nauka, 180 p. Monin, A.S., S.S. Zilitinkevich, D.V Chalikov, 1978: Ocean atmosphere interaction. In: Ocean Hydrophysics. Nauka, 70 pp. Chalikov D.V. 1980: Mathematical modeling of wind induced waves. News and problems of sciences ser., Gidrometeoizdat, 50 pp. M. Ya. Verbitsky, D.V. Chalikov 1986: Modeling of Ice Ocean Atmosphere System. Hydrometeoizdat, 133 pp. Chalikov D.V. Numerical modeling of sea waves. 2016. Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-32914-7, ISBN 978-3-319-32916-1 (eBook), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32916-1, 329pp Papers: Atmospheric boundary layer Zilitinkevich, S.S., and D.V. Chalikov, 1968: On the vertical structure of the planetary boundary layer of the atmosphere at unstable stratification. Meteorology and Hydrology, No.5. Zilitinkevich, S.S., and D.V. Chalikov, 1968: Determining of the universal wind velocity and temperature profiles in the surface layer. Izvestia Acad. Sci., USSR. Atm. and Ocean Phys., 4, No.3. 165 170. Zilitinkevich, S.S., and D.V.Chalikov, 1968: On law of resistance and heat and moisture exchange at interaction of atmosphere with underlying surface. Izvestia Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm. and Ocean Phys., 4, No.7. 438 441. Zilitinkevich, S.S., and D.V. Chalikov, 1968: The use of profile observations to calculate vertical turbulent fkuxes in the atmospheric boundary layer. Izvestia Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm. and Ocean Phys, USSR, No.9. D.V. Chalikov, 1968: A calculation of surface turbulent fluxes with synoptic information. Meteorology and Hydrology. No.8. Oceanic boundary layer Reshetova, O.V., D.V. Chalikov, 1977: On the universal structure of the oceanic active layer. Okeanologia, v.XVII Belevich M.Yu., D.V. Chalikov, 1977: Development of the turbulent boundary layer in a stratified fluid. Okeanologia, v.XVII. Belevich, M.Yu. D.V. Chalikov, 1977: On the parameterization of the upper quasi homogeneous layer and seasonal thermocline in the ocean. Okeanology, v. XVII. Zilitinkevich, S., Yu. Resnyansky, D. V. Chalikov. 1979: Modeling the oceanic upper layer. Oceanologica Acta, No2. Liberman Yu.M., D.V. Chalikov, 1986 Global variability of the oceanic active layer. Meteorology and Hydrology, No.3. Kagan B. A., B. A. Ryabchenko, D.V. Chalikov, 1980: Parameterizing the active layer in models of general circulation of the World Ocean. Sov. Met. Hydrol., No.10 Chalikov, L. Breaker, L. Lobocki. 1996: Parameterization of mixing in upper ocean. Technical Note. NCEP/OMB, 65pp. Chalikov, D. 2004 Similarity theory and parameterization of mixing in upper ocean. Еnvironmental Fluid Mechanics, 4, 385-414, 2004 Dynamics of planetary atmospheres Monin, A.S., V.G. Turikov, S.S. Zilitinkevich, D.V. Chalikov, 1971: A numerical simulation of Venusian atmospheric circulation. Dokl. Acad. Sci. USSR, 197 Turikov V.G., D.V. Chalikov, 1971: Modeling of the general circulation of Venusian atmosphere. Izvestia Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm. and Ocean Phys., No.8, 476 487. Monin A.S., V.G. Turikov, S.S. Zilitinkevich, D. V. Chalikov, 1971: Numerical experiments on the general circulation of Venus'atmosphere. Tellus, v.XXIII, No.6. Monin, A.S., V.G.Turikov, S.S.Zilitinkevich, D.V. Chalikov, 1975:Numerical simulation of the atmospheric circulation and climate of Venus. Icarus, 26, No.2. Monin A.S., A.S. Safray, D.V. Chalikov, 1987: On super-rotation of planetary atmospheres. Sov.Phys. Doklady, Earth Sci.. , 295, No.4. D.V. Chalikov, A.S. Safray. 1989: Qualitative theory of the superrotation of the Venus atmosphere. Space research. XXVII, No.4, 545 555. Ocean modeling Neelov I., A., D. V. Chalikov, 1981: A model of meso scale circulation in the open ocean. Oceanology., 21, No.1. Climate modeling Resnyansky Yu. D. V. Chalikov. 1981: A calculations of the planetary oceanic and atmospheric circulation. Itogi Nauki i Tekh., Okeanologia., No.6. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1982: Estimates of climate variations in the Cenozoic. Sov. Phys. Doklady, Earth Science Sec., 263, 203 206. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1982: One dimensional model of the atmosphere as a part of the Ocean Atmosphere Ice Climate System.. Zonal atmospheric models.., 11. 961 966. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1983: Simple model of the ocean climate. Sov.Phys. Doklady. Earth Science Section, 269, 198 200. Chalikov D.V. M. Ya.Verbitsky 1984: A new Earth climate model. Nature, 308, 609 612. Monin A.S., M.Ya. Verbitsky, D.V. Chalikov, 1986: Modeling of Quaternary Glaciations. Sov.Phys.Doklady. Earth science section, 287, No.2,4 7. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1986: Simulation of the present climate by a model of the ocean atmosphere ice system.Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys., 22, 348 354. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1986 The model of the World ocean climate.Oceanology, XXVI, 357 364. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1986 Non uniqueness of climate in an ocean atmosphere ice system model.Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys.,22, 686 690. Monin A.S., Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1987: Numerical experiment on fluctuations in glacial climate. Sov. Phys. Doklady, Earth Sci., 295, No. 4, 52 54 D.V. Chalikov, M. Ya. Verbitsky 1990: Modeling the pleistocene ice ages. Adv.in Geophys. 32, 75 131 Neural Network Krasnopolsky,V, D. V. Chalikov. H. L. Tolman 2002: A neural network technique to improve computational efficiency of numerical oceanic models. Ocean Modelling, 4, 363-383. Tolman, H.,L., V.M. Krasnopolsky, D,V, Chalikov 2005: Neural Network approximation for nonlinear interactions in wind wave spectra: Direct mapping for wind seas in deep water. Ocean Modelling, 8, 253-278 V.M. Krasnopolsky, M.S. Fox-Rabinovitz, and D.V. Chalikov,* *2005: "New Approach to Calculation of Atmospheric Model Physics: Accurate and Fast Neural Network Emulation of Long Wave Radiation in a Climate Model", /Monthly Weather Review/, v. 133, No. 5, 1370-1383 Wave Boundary Layer and Surface Waves Chalikov D.V. 1978: Numerical simulation of wind wave interaction. J. Fluid.Mech. 87, 561 582. D.V. Chalikov, 1976 A mathematical model of wind induced waves. Doklady Acad. Sci, USSR, 229. Chalikov: 1979: Numerical simulation of wind waves. Sov. Met. Hydrol., No10, 61 68. Makin, V. K., D. V. Chalikov, 1979: Numerical simulation of air flow structure above waves. Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 14, 199 204. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov, 1980: A calculation of energy flux to sea waves.Sov. Phys. Doklady, 253 259. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov, 1980: Laboratory studies of wind waves. Oceanology, 20, 531 537. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov, 1980: Some results on numerical experiments tostudy the structure of air flow above waves. Izv Atm.Ocean. Phys. 15, No.3, 732 734. Verbitsky M.Ya., D.V. Chalikov, 1980: A thermohydrodynamical model of a large ice sheet. Sov.Phys.Doklady, 250, 1 3. Panchenko H., D. V. Chalikov, 1984: Energy structure of the surface layer above sea. Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys., 2, 732 737. Panchenko H., D.V. Chalikov, 1984: On measurement of energy and momentum input to the sea waves. Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys., 2, 136 140. Chalikov D.V. 1985: Numerical modeling of boundary layer above waves. In: Problem of nonlinear and turbulent processes in the physics. Kiev. Chalikov D.V., 1986: Numerical simulation of the boundary layer above waves. Bound. Layer Met., 1986, No.34. 63 98. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov. 1986: The spectral structure of the boundary layer above sea waves. Sov.Phys.Doklady, 287, No.3. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov. 1986: Calculating momentum and energy fluxes into developing waves. Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys., 22, 1015 1019. Makin V.K., D.V. Chalikov, 1989: Modeling of the wave boundary layer. In: Models of ocean processes'. Nauka, 205 220. Chalikov D.V., Liberman Yu. M. 1991 Integration of primitive equations for potential waves. Izv. Acad. Sci. USSR, Atm., Ocean Phys. 27, 42 47. Chalikov D., V. Makin, 1991: Models of the wave boundary layer. Bound. Layer Met., 56, 83 99. Chalikov, D., M. Belevich, 1992: One dimensional theory of the wave boundary layer. Bound. Layer Met., 65 96. Chalikov, D. 1993: Comments on "Wave Induced Stress and the Drag of Air Flow over Sea Waves" and "Quasi linear Theory of Wind Wave Generation Applied to Wave \ Forecasting". Journ. Phys. Oceanogr, 1. 423, 11597 1600. Tolman H. and D. Chalikov 1994 Development of a third generation ocean wave model at NOAA NMC. Physical and numerical modeling. M. Isaacson and M.C. Quick Eds. Vancover, 724 733 Tolman H. and D. Chalikov, 1996: On the source terms in a third generation wind wave model. 1996, Journ Phys. Oceanogr. No. 11, 2497-2518 Chalikov D.V., and M.Yu.Belevich, 1995: Theory of Wave Boundary Layer. In Problems of investigation and mathematical modeling of wind waves. St.-Petersburg, Russia, 48-88. Chalikov, D, D, Sheinin, 1996: Numerical modeling of surface waves based on principal equations of potential wave dynamics. Technical Note. NOAA/NCEP/OMB, 54 pp. Chalikov, D., 1995: The Parameterization of the Wave Boundary Layer. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 25, 1335 1349 Chalikov D. , D. Sheinin . 1997 Direct modeling of one dimensional nonlinear potential waves. Advances in Fluid Mechanics. Comp. Mech. Publ., 207 258 Chalikov D. 1998: Interactive modeling of surface waves and boundary layer. Ocean Wave Measurements and Analysis. ASCE. Proceeding oh the third Intern . Symp. WAVES 97. 1525 1540. Sheinin D., D. Chalikov: Hydrodynamical modeling of potential surface waves. - In: Problems of hydrometeorology and environment on the eve of XXI century. Proceedings of international theoretical conference, St. Petersburg, June 24-25 1999. St.-Petersburg, Hydrometeoizdat, 305-337, 2000 Chalikov D., Sheinin, D. 2005: Modeling of Extreme Waves Based on Equations of Potential Flow with a Free Surface. J. Comp. Phys. 210, 247-273, 2005 Chalikov, D: Statistical properties of nonlinear one-dimensional wave fields. Nonlinear processes in geophysics. 12, 1-19, 2005 Chalikov, D 2004: Similarity theory and parameterization of mixing in upper ocean. Environmental Fluid Dynamics. 4, 4, 385-414. Agnon Y., A. V. Babanin, I. R. Young, D. Chalikov, 2005:, Fine scale inhomogeneity of wind-wave energy input, skewness, and asymmetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, Babanin, A., D Chalikov, I. Young, I Savelyev. Predicting the breaking onset of surface water waves. Geophys. Res. Let., 34, LXXXXX, doi:10.1029/2006GL029135, (2007) Chalikov, D. 2007: Simulation of Benjamin-Feir instability and its consequences. Physics of Fluid, 19, 016602-15 Chalikov, C.V. Statistics of extreme wind waves. Fundamental and applied hydrophysics. 2009, 3(5), St-Petersburg, Nauka, 4-24. Chalikov D (2009) Freak waves: their occurrence and probability. Phys of Fluid, 21, 076602; doi:10.1063/1.3175713 Babanin A. V. , Chalikov D. , Young I.R. Saveliev, I. 2010 Numerical and Laboratory Investigation of Breaking of Steep Two-Dimensional Waves in Deep Water. Journ. Fluid. Mech., 644, (doi: 10.1017/S002211200999245X), 433-463 Galchenko, A., Alexander V. Babanin, Dmitry Chalikov, I. R. Young, Tai-Wen Hsu, 2010, Modulational Instabilities and Breaking Strength for Deep-Water Wave Groups, J. Phys, Oceanogr. 40, No. 10 , (doi: 10.1175/2010JPO4405.1), 2313-23424 Chalikov, D., · S. Rainchik, 2010, Coupled Numerical Modelling of Wind and Waves and the Theory of the Wave Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorol (2011) 138:1–41. DOI 10.1007/s10546-010-9543-7 Chalikov D.V. Statistics of extreme wind waves. Fundamental and applied hydrophysics, 2009, 3(5), 4-24 (in Russian) Chalikov D.V. Transformation of harmonic waves at deep water, Fundamental and applied hydrophysics 2010, 3(9), 2010, 14-21 (in Russian) Chalikov D.V. Portrait of wave-killer. Fundamental and applied geophysics. 5, 1, 5-14, 2012 (in Russian) A. Babanin , D. Chalikov., Numerical Investigation of Turbulence Generation in Non- Breaking Potential J. Geophys. Res. 117, C00J17, doi:10.1029/2012JC007929, 2012 Galchenko A., Babanin AV, Chalikov D., Young I.R., Haus B.K. Influence of Wind Forcing on Modulation and Breaking of One-Dimensional Deep-Water Wave Groups, J. Phys. Oceanography, 42, 928-939, 2012 D. Chalikov. On the nonlinear energy transfer in the unidirected adiabatic surface waves. Phys. Letters, Volume 376, Issue 44, Pages 2755-2816, 2012 Savelyev, I.B. Maxeiner E., Dmitry Chalikov2012 D. Turbulence production by non-breaking waves: laboratory and numerical simulations. Journal of Geophys Res-Oceans, doi:10.1029/2012JC007928, 2012 Chalikov, D., Babanin, A. V. 2012 Simulation of Wave Breaking in One-Dimensional Spectral Environment. Journal Phys. Ocean., Vol. 42, No. 11, 1745-1761,2012 Chia-Huan Ting, Alexander V. Babanin, Dmitry Chalikov, and Tai-Wen Hsu, Dependence of drag coefficient on the directional spreading of ocean waves, J. Geophys. Res., 117, doi:10.1029/2012JC007920, 2012 Chalikov, D., and A.V. Babanin, 2013: Three-dimensional periodic fully-nonlinear potential waves. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2013, July 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France, 8p, doi:978-0-7918-5533-1 Чаликов Д.В., Булгаков К.Ю.2014: Stokes waves at finite depth, Fundamental and applied hydrophysics, Чаликов Д.В. 2015 Numerical simulation of three-dimensional potential waves. Fundamental and applied hydrophysics, 7, 1 Babanin A.V., Babanina A., Chalikov, D. 2014 Interaction of surface waves at very close wavenumbers, Ocean dynamics Chalikov, D., Babanin A. V. 2014 Numerical Modeling of Three-Dimensional Fully Nonlinear Potential Periodic Waves. Ocean dynamics, DOI 10.1007/s10236-014-0755-0 Chalikov, D., Babanin A. V. 2014 Simulation of one-dimensional evolution of wind waves in a deep water. Physics of fluid (in press). Чаликов Д. В. Малоизвестные свойства поверхностных волн // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика. 2016. Т. 9, № 1. С. 8—16. Chalikov D. V. Unfamiliar Properties оf Surface Waves. Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya gidrofizika. 2016, 9, 1, 8—16. Chalikov D, Babanin AV 2016 Nonlinear sharpening during superposition of surface waves. Ocean dynamics, 66, 8, 931-937 Chalikov D, Babanin AV 2016 Comparison of linear and nonlinear extreme wave statistics. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35, 5, 99–105 Чаликов, Д. В., Булгаков, К. Ю. (2015) Ветровые волны как элемент гидродинамической системы океан – атмосфера. Известия РАН. Физика атмосферы и океана. - Т. 51, № 3. - С. 386-391 Zhang, HD, Guedes Soares C , Chalikov D, A. Toffoli, A. 2016 Modeling the spatial evolutions of nonlinear unidirectional surface gravity waves with fully nonlinear numerical method. Ocean Engineering, 125, 60–69